See myself, my girlfriend and my bus on Top Gear 360.

Some time ago I was approached by a lovely lady who said her boyfriend was part of the Top Gear team and wondered if my bus could be used as a feature on a Top Gear stunt for YouTube………Errrrr hmmmm let me think……. If i must…. ;)
She explained to me that it was an exciting project filmed for VR Goggles. So the whole thing is shot in 360 dergees. Watch it on your phone, you can spin it around as you please!! Use the mouse on a laptop to move the viewing around as you go! It’s impressive!
It’s filmed in 360 degrees so use the mouse to move the view and see us and our bus!
It turned out we (the bus) were going to be the object to jump over by some sort of stunt vehicle… I was a little nervous but I was assured that there was an insurance to cover this.
It is the BBC after all you’d think it’d be ok..
Turns out it was all ok and many safety precautions were taken to make sure my bus still looked like a bus once the stant was over. And not only that I ended up having a very good time with some of the 360 camera crew and seeing some LOVELY cars.
Yes, I met the Stig! No, I can’t tell you who he is……
So we enjoyed a 2 day adventure with our bus, on an airfield, the Top Gear crew, the Stig.. Yes I got to meet him (my lips are sealed!!) and we saw an amazing stunt take place. Good experience all round! So without further ado, here is the actual video!! Enjoy!