How did I end up turning a Routemaster bus into a fully fledged bar, with lounge, for events?

Routemaster mobile double decker bus bar number 2
As most of you know I have a second bus currently waiting in the wings to be converted to join our ever busy barML2355. This bus is 2730 and I can’t wait to get the build going. I am still waiting for a few elements to be in place before I start. In the meantime I thought we could have some fun!!

It’s not going to be the same!!

With our current bus being used for all sorts of events, I’ve actually noticed that we don’t always need the bar setup. We did a big corporate tour this year for a well known brand that actually spent time and money to hide our bar because they simply did not need it. This got me thinking. Maybe I should leave it empty so companies can fit it out to their own specification? Maybe it should have seating upstairs and downstairs?
I am however slightly undecided on what to have.

  1. Do I put counters in it?
  2. Do I put seating upstairs?
  3. Do I put a bar in it?
  4. Do i open the windows on one side?
  5. Do I open them on both sides?

I would like all of you to give me some suggestion!

In the comment section I’d like you all please give me your suggestions! They can be comedy…… ;) A prize will be given to the best suggestion and feel free to add pictures!

Routemaster bus bar upstairs