You all came up with great suggestions for our number two doubledecker bus bar!

Doubledecker bus bar number 2
I’d like to thank all of you who made the effort to write your suggestions for bus number two. I’ve had a great time reading, answering and generally chatting to all of you about what we could possibly do with our number 2 (RML2730)A lot of the suggestions were actually a lot like what we already have. That’s good news. It means I got some bits right the first time around. Here are some memorable mentions.

  1. hot tub seemed to pop up rather a lot. Be a little heavy i think?
  2. lots of themes on what we have already
  3. a giant fish tanks……I dunno why, but it was suggested
  4. Disco dance floor
  5. Kids play house….
  6. Dance floors throughout and gym
  7. Lots more

The top suggestion came from a connection on LinkedIn. It was to make the downstairs an empty space which could be offered with certain kits to turn it into something. For example:

  • A kit that turned it into a bar area
  • A kit that changed it into a product display space
  • A package that added multimedia screens.

This got me thinking, It would be like the bus I have but more versatile! This i really like!!

Some crude plans for our doubledecker bus bar number 2!

Doubledecker bus bar plans

Upstairs would probably remain very similar in our doubledecker bus bar.

The top deck just works very well
The top deck of our first bus has proven to be it’s strongest selling point! The image it with the open roof on a sunny day sells this vehicle to the toughest of clients so in my opinion I’m going to stick with the old saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
I would like a bit of change and we’re going to have some anyway because sadly our number two bus doesn’t have the lovely original Tungsten Lighting, it comes with the later tube style. This is a shame but it does allow me to maybe create  a cool graphics area where all the internal advertising used to sit. So what seems like a downer will open up possibilities for something cool and different.

There is still time for you to add your ideas!

So just because I’ve had a bag load of suggestions doesn’t mean it’s all over. I’ll happily take on more ideas from all of you and even the comedy plans were worth it except for the giant fish tank….You know who you are!!

Thanks for all your input and we’ll see you next week!