Documenting the building of a new mobile bus bar.

With the success of the first bus build and it now being fully active in the industry it is time to decide how to move forward. In this world nothing ever stands still, it’s either growing or shrinking! So to move the game forward I decided to build a second bus. Luckily I bought a second one some time ago “just in case” (Best investment ever, prices have risen by 100%). This time I do want to make the most of the build. I’ve seen a huge amount of interest in the actual build of our first bus through this blog. This has spurred me on to really document the second build. So to raise the game I’ve taken the bold step to not only build the second bus but to employ an entire team to document the build via film. This was never going to be cheap so I will need everybody’s help and I’ll show you how you can in a minute.

Will the cameras slow Pete and His Bus down?

There is a part of me that just wants to get going but if I want to document this build properly I’m going to have to plan it and get all the pieces in place to create something GOOD! There will be times when the actual filming of the project slows the actual project down but I’m sure the results will be worth it.

Please help me create this show!

The easiest way YOU can help is by simply becoming a patron. In return you’ll secure a place to our actual launch party. Don’t forget, this show WILL gain momentum. By the time we launch you’d be part of something rather special. If you want to take part check out the link below. It’s a piece of…. what thy call it?… piss!! ;)

You can also simply help me fund this by following this link.

If in doubt, this’ll give you an idea of what it will be like! Remember please subscribe our channel on youtube! x

Thank you all for your support! Pete